FREE shipment. NO use of virgin plastic or pesticides. ORGANIC cotton and RECYCLED polyester only!

Sustainability & Nitemus

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We give value to our actions and choices, and we hope our customers do the same.
Changes are slow unless done by many.

Focus Area

Nitemus in relation to the sustainable targets and SDGs

SDGs 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
SDGs 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

NITEMUS - Focus Area on the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 1 + SDG 8

As Nitemus is a new small business we don’t have the power to end poverty. However, we help in our small way towards these goals. What Nitemus can do and does is work with companies that guarantee a fair salary to the bottom of the supply chain, that don’t use child labour and that protect labour rights (which is certificated by FairTrade). In fact, poverty and child labour are perpetrated by low pay, therefore, granting adequate pay to the farmers and to the workers in the supply chain, but especially at its bottom, gives them the possibility to educate themself and have a decent living. Granting a minimum wage lets workers have food, water, healthcare, basic needs covered, education, clothing and housing, which are all things that Nitemus believes everyone deserves and should have.

SDGs 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
SDGs 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

As Nitemus is a new small business we don’t have the power to end poverty. However, we help in our small way towards these goals. What Nitemus can do and does is work with companies that guarantee a fair salary to the bottom of the supply chain, that don’t use child labour and that protect labour rights (which is certificated by FairTrade). In fact, poverty and child labour are perpetrated by low pay, therefore, granting adequate pay to the farmers and to the workers in the supply chain, but especially at its bottom, gives them the possibility to educate themself and have a decent living. Granting a minimum wage lets workers have food, water, healthcare, basic needs covered, education, clothing and housing, which are all things that Nitemus believes everyone deserves and should have.

NITEMUS - Focus Area on the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 1 + SDG 8
NITEMUS - Focus Area on the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 5

SDGs 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women

Gender inequality is a really hot topic. Nitemus is proudly a feminist brand and believes women and men have the same rights. Nitemus is funded by a woman and understands the need to empower all women, which lead Nitemus to work with well-gender-balanced companies and, considering the historical period, to also have a women-oriented charity between the charities that will donate to. Actually, in 2021 it is not possible to say that there are only 2 genders, which is why Nitemus feels important to address that gender inequality exists not only in regards to females but also in regards to the other type of genders and even sexuality. Therefore,  Nitemus considered also putting one charity between the choices on behalf of the lgbtq+ community. Nitemus also understands that people might see themself differently from how the body anatomy describes them, therefore the gender categories implemented by Nitemus have to be considered as a way to distinguish the physical differences between a woman and a man’s body.

NITEMUS - Focus Area on the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 5

SDGs 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women

Gender inequality is a really hot topic. Nitemus is proudly a feminist brand and believes women and men have the same rights. Nitemus is funded by a woman and understands the need to empower all women, which lead Nitemus to work with well-gender-balanced companies and, considering the historical period, to also have a women-oriented charity between the charities that will donate to. Actually, in 2021 it is not possible to say that there are only 2 genders, which is why Nitemus feels important to address that gender inequality exists not only in regards to females but also in regards to the other type of genders and even sexuality. Therefore,  Nitemus considered also putting one charity between the choices on behalf of the lgbtq+ community. Nitemus also understands that people might see themself differently from how the body anatomy describes them, therefore the gender categories implemented by Nitemus have to be considered as a way to distinguish the physical differences between a woman and a man’s body.

SDGs 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDGs 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

NITEMUS - Focus Area on the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 12 + SDG 13

Nitemus is already following sustainable production patterns which are highly implemented in its business. Nitemus collaborates only with certificated companies that grant fair work, organic cotton, recycled PET, modern wastewater treatment, water-ink, and no use of plastic in the packaging. The use of organic cotton permits the reduction of the usage of water and the pollution of lands and waters by pesticides. Product waste is managed and drastically reduced by the business model that we implemented which is an on-demand business, meaning that it produces only what it actually sells. As a company, we are also against consumerism, which is another reason for limiting customizable products. Nitemus also plans to open a brief time a specific blog in order to suggest possible ways to recycle the garment in the proper way and in a year there is already a reuse program planned. Nitemus also uses its blog to educate about environmental and social issues, Nitemus wants to provide awareness and relevant information for the general public in order for them to switch to more sustainable practices in the smoothest way possible. To contribute even more Nitemus also choose different charities to donate to which are fundamental to combat climate change and preserve lands and waters.

SDGs 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDGs 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

Nitemus is already following sustainable production patterns which are highly implemented in its business. Nitemus collaborates only with certificated companies that grant fair work, organic cotton, recycled PET, modern wastewater treatment, water-ink, and no use of plastic in the packaging. The use of organic cotton permits the reduction of the usage of water and the pollution of lands and waters by pesticides. Product waste is managed and drastically reduced by the business model that we implemented which is an on-demand business, meaning that it produces only what it actually sells. As a company, we are also against consumerism, which is another reason for limiting customizable products. Nitemus also plans to open a brief time a specific blog in order to suggest possible ways to recycle the garment in the proper way and in a year there is already a reuse program planned. Nitemus also uses its blog to educate about environmental and social issues, Nitemus wants to provide awareness and relevant information for the general public in order for them to switch to more sustainable practices in the smoothest way possible. To contribute even more Nitemus also choose different charities to donate to which are fundamental to combat climate change and preserve lands and waters.

NITEMUS - Focus Area on the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 12 + SDG 13
NITEMUS - Focus Area on the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 6 + SDG 14 + SDG 15

SDGs 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
SDGs 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
SDGs 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Thanks to the choice of Nitemus to work with certificated companies that assure the material origin it is possible for such a small company as us to contribute to improving water and land quality by reducing pollution by chemicals. Such a small choice can make a big difference. Nitemus chose also to fulfill all its orders with packaging from recycled cartons and no plastic. Considering the absence of plastic in its packaging, the use of recycled polyester from PET bottles for some of its garments, the use of organic cotton instead of normal cotton, and the “collaboration” with the proper charity, Nitemus contributes to properly use the oceans, waters, and lands, and in the same time it gives a hand to those whom clean and restore them.

NITEMUS - Focus Area on the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 6 + SDG 14 + SDG 15

SDGs 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
SDGs 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
SDGs 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Thanks to the choice of Nitemus to work with certificated companies that assure the material origin it is possible for such a small company as us to contribute to improving water and land quality by reducing pollution by chemicals. Such a small choice can make a big difference. Nitemus chose also to fulfill all its orders with packaging from recycled cartons and no plastic. Considering the absence of plastic in its packaging, the use of recycled polyester from PET bottles for some of its garments, the use of organic cotton instead of normal cotton, and the “collaboration” with the proper charity, Nitemus contributes to properly use the oceans, waters, and lands, and in the same time it gives a hand to those whom clean and restore them.

To who Nitemus donates

Our favorite charities

*In alphabetical order


“Let’s get plastic out of the environment”

“Empowering action against the global health crisis of plastic pollution through science, education, and advocacy.”

Cultural survival

“Cultural Survival works toward a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples’ inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and 

Eden projects

“We are an educational charity and social enterprise. Our global mission is to create a movement that builds relationships between people and the natural world to demonstrate the power of working together for the benefit of all living things.”

One Tree Planted

“One dollar. One tree. One planet.

We plant trees

Together planting a forest.”

The Nature Conservancy

– We will keep updating this page, so keep an eye open! –

Are you a charity or are you bringing up a charity cause?? Do you want to be part of one of the charities Nitemus donates to?
Contact us here, Nitemus will check if your charity or social cause is in line with Nitemus ideals and values and we will let you know as soon as possible!

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