FREE shipment. NO use of virgin plastic or pesticides. ORGANIC cotton and RECYCLED polyester only!


NITEMUS - Materials icon

Organic cotton

Organic cotton is defined when the cotton is grown without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. It is 100% natural and vegan, it does not produce any harm to either the people farming it or the people living in its proximity. Organic cotton is not only not genetically modified and sustainable, but it is also compostable. Compared to normal cotton organic cotton has:

  • 46% less impact on global warming,
  • 70% less impact on water and land acidification,
  • 91% less usage of surface and underground waters
Nitemus - Cotton by Seven Seven
Nitemus - Recycle bin by Sigmund

Recycled polyester

Polyester can be either synthetic or natural, while natural polyester can biodegrade, most of the used polyester is synthetic polyester and therefore not biodegradable. Polyester is mostly used in the fashion or as commodities (such as PET bottles), these two types are not biodegradable and they pollute in great quantities, either as a whole or as micro-plastics. Recycling polyester is not the answer to its pollution capacity, but it is a good way to close its life cycle. By recycling already existing polyester there is remarkable energy saving and less polyester enters the oceans or lands. When talking about recycled polyester it mostly refers to the recycling of plastic bottles and used fishnets.

Packaging materials:


Use of recycled cardboard and sustainable materials.

Nitemus - Paper board by Tania Melnyczuk

Important numbers

The following data were searched from Soil Association, Environmental Justice Foundation, Cotton 2040, Cotton Up, and Textile Exchange 2020/2021 reports.

Global cotton data

Production of conventional cotton
0 %
Production of organic cotton
0 %
Production of recycled cotton
0 %
Production of other type of cotton
0 %
Of the global textile production
0 %
Used for apparel
0 %
Of world's arable land
0 %
Water footprint for textile production
0 %
0 mln


Of global insecticides usage
0 %
Annual use of pesticides
0 t
Of farmers poisoned in India
0 mln
Water x 1 tshirt
0 gallons
Production countries
0 +
Annual production
0 mln t

Organic cotton

Carbon dioxide production
- 0 %
Energy usage
- 0 %
Rainfed cultivation
0 %
Water x 1 tshirt
0 gallons
Production countries
Annual production
0 t

Amazing tool to have a map of climate risk from Cotton 2040.

Plastic enters the Oceans annually
0 mln


Annual production
0 mln t
Of the global textile production
0 %
Originates from fossil
0 %

Recycled polyester

Annual production
0 mln t
Market share
0 %
Originates from plastic bottles
0 %

Materials' certification

Third party garments productors

Reason why we choose Stanley/Stella products

I consider the basic products from Stanley/Stella the most sustainable and with the widest range of sizes, styles, and colors. The quality is at the top and their sustainable path as a whole company is ideal for my brand. Stanley/Stella also presents six certificates that prove the quality of their products, their sustainability -as it is proved that the company uses 100% organic cotton and recycled polyester-, approved and safe dyes techniques, and a human and socially sustainable production chain. Because of its certifications and quality, Stanley/Stella products have been chosen as the only garment providers for Nitemus.

The following certificates are assigned to Stanley/Stella’s products, which is the only provider of Nitemus garment production.

Nitemus - GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) Icon


Global Organic Textile Standards

The GOTS is one of the most difficult standards to maintain, in fact, the requirements are really strict and binding. In particular, the GOTS expects that the whole supply chain follows specific requirements in regard to human and environment sustainability during its supply chain.  GOTS “defines organic textiles as containing a minimum content of organic fibers, being processed with the least possible environmental impact, under strict controls on natural and synthetic chemical inputs and with respect for labor conditions.”

Nitemus - Fair Wear Icon


Fair Wear Foundation

Regulate the labor practices of the members. Each member company has to follow 8 labor standards in order to be granted this certificate. Those standards are: 1) employment is freely chosen, 2) freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, 3) no discrimination in employment, 4) no exploitation of child labor, 5) payment of living wage, 6) reasonable hours of work, 7) safe and healthy working conditions, 8) legally binding employment relationship.  

Nitemus - Global Recycled Standard Icon


Global Recycled Standard

One of the most important international standards for the manufacturing of garments and products made of recycled materials. Promotes the reduction in resource consumption and gives importance to recycling for the growth of a sustainable production and consumption model. Products must have at least 20% of pre-consumption and post-consumer recycling material, and management models and procedures of assets and management procedures must comply with fixed requirements.


Global Organic Textile Standard

The GOTS is one of the most difficult standard to maintain, in fact, the requirements are really strict and binding. In particular, the GOTS expects that the whole supply chain follows specific requirements in regard to human and environment sustainability during the supply chain.  GOTS “defines organic textiles as containing a minimum content of organic fibers, being processed with the least possible environmental impact, under strict controls on natural and synthetic chemical inputs and with respect for labor conditions.”


Fair Wear Foundation

Regulate the labor practices of the members. Each member company has to follow 8 labor standards in order to be granted this certificate. Those standards are: 1) employment is freely chosen, 2) freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, 3) no discrimination in employment, 4) no exploitation of child labor, 5) payment of living wage, 6) reasonable hours of work, 7) safe and healthy working conditions, 8) legally binding employment relationship.  


Global Recycled Standard

Regulate the labor practices of the members. Each member company has to follow 8 labor standards in order to be granted this certificate. One of the most important international standards for the manufacturing of garments and products made of recycled materials. Promotes the reduction in resource consumption and gives importance to recycling for the growth of a sustainable production and consumption model. Products must have at least 20% of pre-consumption and post-consumer recycling material, and management models and procedures of assets must comply with fixed requirements.

Nitemus - Peta Icon


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

PETA is an organization that encourages the ethical treatment of animals and gives animals the same value as humans. By being certified by PETA there is a guarantee that the product is vegan and that there was no animal abuse in the making of it.

Nitemus - OCS (Organic Cotton Standard) Icon


Organic Content Standard

The goal of the OCS is to increase organic agriculture production. This standard is to certify the quantity of organically grown contents in the product. 

Nitemus - Oeko-Tex Icon


Safety standard in regard to harmful substances

Formed by 18 independent companies in Europe and Japan, that continuously try to find new methods to create a safe product and a more sustainable production chain. 


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

PETA is an organization that encourages the ethical treatment of animals and gives animals the same value as humans. By being certified by PETA there is a guarantee that the product is vegan and that there was no animal abuse in the making of it.


Organic Content Standard

The goal of the OCS is to increase organic agriculture production. This standard is to certify the quantity of organically grown contents in the product. 


Safety standard in regard to harmful substances

Formed by 18 independent companies in Europe and Japan, that continuously try to find new methods to create a safe product and a more sustainable production chain. 

Third party printing companies' certifications

Nitemus relies on a family company based in the UK.  Among all the possible companies this was not only chosen for their sustainable interest but also due to their printing method and ink safety. The company uses OEKO-TEX-approved ink for its printing.

Nitemus - Colors by Pawel Czerwinski


Water based Ink

The printing company has the OEKO-TEX ink certification, which is water-based and assures the safety of the product for the environment and for the skin.

The ink to be certified by OEKO-TEX must have been tested for harmful substances in critical concentrations as listed in the ECO PASSPORT standard. When the ink passes the check then it obtains the ECO-PASSPORT, making it the best choice for a sustainable future.

Nitemus is constantly sourcing for the most sustainable companies to help us to bring to life our products in the most sustainable way. In the case changes will be made in the production line, the page will be uploaded.

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